Lori Leger's Cajunflair Blog

Fictional Romance with a Cajun Flair

Archive for the month “October, 2017”

Settling For More (Book 3 Prime of Love)

Hey everyone. I recently released “Settling For More” I wanted to talk a little about how I came up with the plot line. This is book 3 of my Prime of Love series. I developed the plots of books 1 and 2 quickly but struggled with the third. A woman approached me at a book signing last year in Lake Charles, LA. and I explained that the H & H in this series are mostly ‘Baby Boomer’ age. I gave her brief synopses of the first two books and told her I’d had trouble coming up with the third. She smiled and said she had a plot line for me–and proceeded to tell me, from personal experience, how more grandparents than ever were raising grandchildren these days. BINGO! Thank you, it was exactly the inspiration I needed to plan book 3. It’s all about couples in their Prime…the kids are grown and out of the house…and they’re free, both time-wise and financially, to have some fun in their lives. But what happens when something happens to curtail that freedom? How do they handle it? Do they pull together and embrace it or does the strain begin to show up in their relationship?  Settling For More is the story of Sandra and Marshall Campion and how they handled their unexpected surprise.

I sincerely hope you read it, and let me know whether or not you can relate to the characters in this story. As the parents, or their children, or even their grandchildren. Thanks and have a great day!

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