Lori Leger's Cajunflair Blog

Fictional Romance with a Cajun Flair

Archive for the month “June, 2010”

Stepson’s surgery

My stepson, Micah, had gall bladder surgery this morning. I just spoke to my DIL, Trish, and she said it was a very large incision due to scar tissue from previous surgeries.  Hopefully, this one will make a big difference in the way he feels.  I’m sending prayers his way for a quick recovery, and hope you all will, too.

See ya,


New Writers’ Group

I’m excited about finding a new local writers’ group called Bayou Writer’s Group out of Lake Charles, Louisiana.  I can’t quite figure out how it took me this long to hear about them since they’ve been around for seven years.  My optometrist, Dr. Savoie told me to look them up on SWLA website and sure as shootin’, there they were.  I’ve already spoken to the current president, Jess Ferguson, and I can’t wait to meet with everyone on the first Saturday of every month.  Hopefully, it’ll be a good match and I can be useful to the group. I’ll let you know how the first meeting goes.

RWA PRO membership

Good news, everyone…I’m now an official PRO member of RWA.  Reason to be excited?  Definitely!  Being a PRO means that I’ve taken a significant step forward in attempting to publish. 

Credentials to become a PRO:

1. You have to have written at least one complete manuscript (I have five written)

2. You have to have submitted said manuscript to either an agent or publishing house in the form of a query letter, paragraphs, or full manuscript and you need proof to show that you’ve done so. (I have sent to a few agents and one publishing house and have the queries to prove it)

3. You have to have proof that said agent or publisher has received the submission and either accepted or rejected it.  (Unfortunately I also have the rejection letters to prove it)   : (

Anyway, folks, now that RWA knows I’m serious about writing and submitting they’re sending me loads of useful information about agents, publishers, workshops, etc.   I’m also eligible to attend the 4 hour PRO retreat at RWA – a workshop full of useful and helpful information and tips.  

So…even though I’m not published yet, I’ve got faith that it will eventually happen.  I’ve got so many stories to tell and I am hopelessly addicted to writing.  I pray that one day soon you’ll all get to buy my books and feed my habit.  Until then, send a few prayers in my direction so that I find an agent, editor, and publisher who are the perfect fit for me and my writing style.

Thanks for listening, and remember…all comments are WELCOMED as well as ENCOURAGED!


RWA conference

Just a little over a month until Trish and I go to the RWA conference in Florida. Still so much to do in preparation. Need to decide which work shops we want to attend so we can print the hand outs ahead of time. Need to get my wardrobe together too. I’ve got my website ‘somewhat’ done…one of these days I’ll get to those recipes.  This is my new blog site and you may have guessed that I’m not too comfortable with it yet. If things are here today and gone tomorrow, I’m only warning you ahead of time that it’ll probably be because of operator error on my part!

I’m still going to the gym at least 3 days a week, sometimes as many as 4 or 5.  Let me tell you,  by the time I get out of that place, I’ve worked up a good sweat.  I have to admit I feel a lot better and I can now understand how working out gets to be addicting. I doubt if I’ll ever be a runner like my daughter is, but I figure if I can get to the conference and walk from one end of the hotel to the other without losing my breath, I’ve accomplished something. After all, I want to be around long enough to reap the rewards of being a published author one day.  It hasn’t happen yet, folks, but I’ve got faith that it will. Nobody makes it overnight.  : )

I’ve got over 80,000 words written on Some Day Somebody and I thinks it’s filled with alot more tension than my first version. I’ve added a couple of more whodunnit moments and another twist here and there. Those of you have read the first version will be at a distinct disadvantage but you’ll definitely see the vast improvements in the plot as well as my writing.  So glad I didn’t send that version in to an agent or publisher.

Time to get to work now!


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